MS Teams
Virtual Session
SGC Webinar for Leveraging Skillsfuture Funding
MS Teams
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Event Start
01/07/2024 · 15:00
Event End
01/07/2024 · 16:00

Are you ready to level up your competency and companies' competitiveness?


Many of the companies in Singapore face the challenge of recruiting skilled professionals, which can potentially affect their long-term competitiveness. Therefore, the development and provision of training and further education programmes for local, regional, and international employees are crucial.

Join our enlightening webinar on Monday, July 1, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm as we navigate you through the intricacies of SkillsFuture funding and its transformative impact on organisations. Discover how you can utilise this resource to upskill your professionals. Please take advantage of this chance to explore the AHK Industry 4.0 Specialist Course with SkillsFuture funding. Register now to secure your spot and unlock a world of possibilities!