Virtual Session with MS Teams
SGC Virtual Session
Thursdays with the SGC Webinar: Barriers and Opportunities of Future Trade Relations with India
Virtual Session with MS Teams
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Event Start
27/07/2023 · 11:00
Event End
27/07/2023 · 12:00

Webinar on India Trade Policy Country Report

During our SGC Webinar, Mrs Annika Huck, Divisional Head of our SGC Trade Policy Competence Centre, provided an overview on our chamber’s new study titled “Trade Policy Country Report: India”, which focuses on barriers and opportunities of trade relations between the EU and India.

The major takeaway from the webinar was that many tariff and non-tariff trade barriers still hinder easy market access to India and hence it is crucial to agree on a FTA between the EU and India. We would like to thank Annika for her time in elaborating these important insights with all participants and members.

The detailed study with the results from the empirical survey can be purchased by the order form on our website.


The SGC will be conducting a Trade Policy Workshop on 24th August 2023. This workshop will provide an overview of how the World Trade Organization (WTO) works, and insights into trade in goods and services and the functionality of free trade agreements (FTAs). Please note that the workshop has a limited seating of 10 participants. To register, please complete this booking form by 4 August 2023.

For more information on this Workshop, please contact Mrs Annika Huck at Annika.huck(at)